Friday, October 26, 2012

T-ShirtOS - Incredible T-Shirt ( Wearable, Fashionable, Programmable, Washable)

T-Shirt is the most comfortable clothes we could wear, and it suit to both man and woman. Imagine if our T-Shirt can updating our status on Facebook or make tweet on Twitter?
Now, It's happening!!

Ballantine’s has made tshirtOS a reality by partnering with CuteCircuit, a fashion company based in London, UK that designs amazing interactive fashion. CuteCircuit is a pioneer in the field of wearable technology and has introduced many ground breaking ideas to the world of fashion by integrating new beauty and functionality through the use of smart textiles and micro electronics. If you think that this t-shirt can't be washed, you totally wrong, it's washable babe! Amazing right? But it's can be programmed by an iOS app only. I hope it compatible for BlackBerry or Android too... But for Windows its okay ^^

tshirtOS is fitted with a LED display, camera, microphone, speaker and accelerometer. Together with a small processor that can link to your smart-phone beefier processor for extra power when required.

And this is the video about tshirtOS:

I hope this post helps ^^


Monday, October 22, 2012

Prezi : Interesting Presentation Free

Do you ever know about Prezi?
It is kind of MS. Power Point, but its nicer and more fun!
What you should do are:
  1. Click 
  2. Sign Up (Create new Account or Sign Up using your Facebook account)
  3. Then that's your profile... Share Prezi to your friends, and if you got 3 friends using Prezi, you get upgraded and can download the desktop based.
  4. Before start make new prezis, you should have flash player installed in your PC. If you're done, click New Prezi on Your prezis..
  5. Have a fantastic presntation! ^^ and this are some screen-shoot from my simple tutorial, or you can open / download it here 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

PERFECT COUPLE: BlackBerry Dev Alpha and BlackBerry 10 OS

Good news heard from Research In Motion: the company has confirmed put the finishing touches on BlackBerry 10 Operating System. And RIM also has some new phones too!

BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha

BlackBerry Dev Alpha is BlackBerry's newest gadgets, which will be released in next 2013, and support BlackBerry 10 Operating System. BlackBerry 10 is designed to all touch-screen devices. Therefore, RIM likely will launch some new phones. From leaked news said that there will be both QWERTY and Full Screen BlackBerry 10 devices (L and N Series) to launch, and here is the list.

  • 4G PlayBook will launch before this year is end.
  • BlackBerry 10 London/Nevada on 2013
  • BlackBerry 10 Upgrade for PlayBook on 2013
  • BlackBerry device codenamed "Nashville" on 2013
  • BlackBerry 10 inch PlayBook "Blackforest" on 2013
  • BlackBerry device codenamed "Naples" on 2013

The 4G LTE PlayBook will be on the market before the year's end. This will usher in the first BlackBerry 10 devices in 2013, and PlayBook's running OS 2 will get a upgrade to BlackBerry 10 OS. Maybe this is the best news about for a PlayBook’s running OS 2 owner. Other BlackBerry 10 devices which names were hidden in the data of the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha device. And RIM didn’t talk about the price.

BlackBerry 10 OS

BlackBerry Dev Alpha list above are using an operating system called BlackBerry 10. BlackBerry 10 Super Phone features are predictive text bezel gestures, and window FLOW and swipe support. It is all set to offer you a amazing camera ability it will allow you to rewind frames with a time line, so that you can click a perfect snap.
BlackBerry 10 is more user-friendly, it is allows more developer, so you can find more new apps in your BlackBerry App World. And the greatest part is, BlackBerry 10 will support majority of Android apps!
Another surprise from RIM, BlackBerry 10 would be a treat for game lovers. Reported N.O.V.A 3, a first-person shooter game is all set to make debut in BlackBerry 10. And there is a whole bunch of exciting games!
According to the spread rumor, BlackBerry 10 will have 3D apps.
RIM will also be taking the invocation Framework a step further in new BB 10 by introducing a brand new feature known as ForeignWindow

“ForeignWindow in the BlackBerry 10 platform is designed to allow one app to integrate with another, while also keeping the flow absolutely seamless and natural to the user. See how you can invoke an app with your content and carry out an action while also including an embeddable view of another app inside yours.
First we’ll serve the loyal BlackBerry customer base. Second, we’ve heard of some BlackBerry users going to Android and being dissatisfied. We’ll try to win them back, one by one if we have to.” - RIM’s CEO, Thorsten Heins. 

New BlackBerry 10 Messenger is showing a new darker theme and colors, which has been done in order to reduce battery consumption. There are some different themes, and you can change messenger colors. Besides introducing darker theme, OLED screen will also make sure that this new handset consumes less battery power.
To wake up the screen, there's no slider control you have to reach for or icons to drag. You just slide up with your finger and the lock screen begins dissolving. If you want to look for a while the home screen without unlocking the phone, you can do that, too.
Here are some pictures of BlackBerry 10 OS:

Untuk artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia, klik disini.



Nathasia Austin (12.02.0052) dan Vania Wahyu (12.02.0054)
Game Technology Student, Ilmu Komputer Faculty, Soegijapranata Katholic University year 2012

For Computer Organization assignment.

PASANGAN SEMPURNA: BlackBerry Dev Alpha dan OS BlackBerry 10

Kabar baik terdengar dari Research In Motion: perusahaan telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa mereka sedang melakukan penyelesaian pada Operating System BlackBerry 10. RIM juga akan mempunyai beberapa gadget ponsel baru!

BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha

BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha adalah daftar ponsel BlackBerry terbaru yang rata-rata akan dirilis pada 2013 yang mendukung sistem operasi BlackBerry 10. OS BlackBerry 10 hanya didisain untuk ponsel layar sentuh. Maka dari itu, sepertinya RIM akan meluncurkan beberapa ponsel baru. Dari berita yang dibocorkan mengatakan bahwa semua ponsel baru yang akan diluncurkan RIM adalah QWERT dan FullScreen (seri L dan N), dan berikut ini adalah daftarnya:

  • 4G PlayBook akan diluncurkan akhir tahun ini.
  • BlackBerry 10 London/Nevada pada 2013
  • BlackBerry 10 Upgrade for PlayBook pada 2013
  • BlackBerry device dengan kode nama "Nashville" pada 2013
  • BlackBerry 10 inch PlayBook "Blackforest" pada 2013
  • BlackBerry device dengan kode nama "Naples" pada 2013

PlayBook 4G akan dipasarkan sebelum tahun in berakhir. Pada tahun 2013 akan ada pengguna BlackBerry 10 OS pertama, dan PlayBook yang ber-OS 2 akan mendapat pembaharuan menjadi BlackBerry OS 10. Mungkin ini adalah berita terbaik bagi pemilik PlayBook ber OS 2. Ponsel BlackBerry 10 yang lain masih dirahasiakan dalam daftar ponsel BlackBerry 10 Dev Aplha. Dan RIM tidak membicarakan soal harga yang akan di banrol.

Sistem Operasi BlackBerry 10

Daftar BlackBerry Dev Alpha di atas menggunakan sistem operasi bernama BlackBerry 10. Fitur-fitur pada OS BlackBerry 10 Super Phone mempunyai text bezel yang dapat memprediksi, jendela FLOW, dan kemampuan ayunan. Semuanya telah diatur untuk mempersembahkan sebuah kemampuan menakjubkan kamera yang dapar me-rewind frame pada time line, jadi Anda dapat mengambil gambar yang sempurna.
BlackBerry 10 lebih mudah untuk digunakan, terbuka terhadap berbagai perkembangan aplikasi, jadi Anda dapat menemukan lebih banyak aplikasi baru pada BlackBerry AppWorld. Dan yang terpenting adalah, BlackBerry 10 akan dapat menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi Android!
Kabar menakjubkan lain dari RIM, BlackBerry 10 akan memanjakan pencinta game. Dilaporkan oleh N.O.V.A 3, sebuah game first-person shooter akan mulai diluncurkan pada BlackBerry 10. Dan masih banyak game menarik lain!
Menurut kabar yang beredar juga, BlackBerry 10 akan memiliki aplikasi 3D.
RIM juga akan mengambil bagian pada pengembangan lebih lanjut Framework yang akan terdapat pada BlackBerry 10 baru dengan memperkenalkan sebuah merk baru yang akan dikenal sebagai ForeignWindow.

“ForeignWindow dalam BlackBerry 10 didesign untuk mempermudahkan pengguna mengakses aplikasi dengan aplikasi lain, dengan menjaga agar tetap mengalir secara natural dan tanpa lapisan. Anda dapat mengakses sebuah aplikasi dan mengeditnya tanpa meninggalkan aplikasi lain yang diakses.
Pertama, kami menyediakan layanan BlackBerry terbaik kepada customer. Kedua, kami mendengar bahwa banyak pengguna BlackBerry akan berpindah kepada Android karena kekecewaan kepada kami. Kami akan mencoba agar dapat mengambil kembali pelanggan kami, satu per satu jika kita bisa.” CEO RIM, Thorsten Heins

BlackBerry 10 Messenger menampilkan tema baru dengan warna lebih gelap, dimana tema gelap ini akan lebih menghemat baterai. Juga disediakan beberapa pilihan tema lain, dan Anda dapat mengubah sendiri warna BlackBerry Messenger Anda dengan warna kesukaan Anda. Selain tema gelap, layar OLED juga akan membuat ponsel Anda lebih hemat baterai.
Untuk mengaktivkan layar, tidak ada icon pengatur geser tertentu yang harus Anda geser. Anda hanya perlu menggeser dengan jari anda di layar bagian manapun, maka pengunci layar akan mulai membuka. Jika Anda ingin melihat sebentar layar utama tanpa membuka kunci telepon, Anda dapat melakukan hal yang sama pula.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa gambar tampilan BlackBerry OS 10:

For English version, click here.


Nathasia Austin (12.02.0052) dan Vania Wahyu (12.02.0054)
Mahasiswa Jurusan Game Technology, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Katholik Soegijapranata tahun 2012

Untuk tugas Computer Organization