Thursday, September 8, 2016

Love is Like Finding the Matching Puzzle Piece. Pfff B.S. True Love can Decay Too I Suppose!

Puzzle piece....
Oke post gue jadi cinta-cintaan begini. Okelah gapapa deh. Jadi gue mau share cerita cinta 6tahun gue. Remember the guy I talked about last time? I've been with him for almost 6 years. And we're engaged now. So he is my fiance. I met him when I was 15 and we're together after since. Well so this is the story.

He was my best friend' ex. Boom!
And our friendship is doomed. Tapi gue bukan PHO. Mereka putus udah lama. Sekitar satu tahun, dan sohib gue udah punya cowo baru. Baru setelah itu gue deket sama tunangan gue ini (anggap namanya si Koko). Tapi tetep aja, dia berubah setelah tau gue deket sama mantannya.

Oke oke. Dia yang ngenalin gue ke si Koko ini. Gue udah temenan lama di F*cebook, cuman nggak pernah contact (sampe gue sendiri lupa kalo temenan sama doi). Long story short, pada suatu sore di hari yang indah, gue lagi main di rumah sohib gue ini. Tiba-tiba si Koko telpon sohib gue, doi bilang mau nyamperin ke rumah. Sohib gue panik, takut cowonya salah paham, minta gue jangan buru-buru balik dulu. Okelah gue sih fine fine aja.

Disana gue pertama kalinya ketemu doi. Biasa aja sih. I even barely remember his face. But few days later... ada satu pesan baru nangkring di message F*cebook gue. And it's him. Doi basa basi, dan akhirnya kita tukeran nomor hp dan jadi deket, terus jadian, terus pacaran, terus tunangan, terus... terus..

Kembali ke judul: pas gue mulai jalanin hubungan sama doi, gue mulai berubah. Really. 180 deg changed. It's like finally you found your home. You know whete to go, you know what to do. You know how to love him, and he knows how to love you. We're just fit perfectly. Just like a puzzle piece. That's why I let go my friendship and choose him instead. I just knew that he is the one.

Ok now I sound stupid af 😂 well that's my 15yo mind tho! What are you expecting?

And now 6years latter.... I'm not really sure he is the one. Kita sekarang sama-sama sibuk. Gue sibuk kerja, doi juga. Jarang2 banget waktu berdua. Mau chat aja susah. Paling cm saling kasi kabar sesekali.

Andd.. (ok here we go...) there is another man. He captivated me with his charms. He is so mysterious, I am curious to death. He is not making my heart racing, but curiosity is enough to start a fire. And I am so afraid. I'm playing with fire. I need to stop this, I know... but, what if... only if... we are not engaged yet, can I have both of them?

Enough of the babbling, this is going wild.
Dead readers (if any) please leave a comment and share your thoughts! Or things you wanna know abt me. Very appreciated. Bye!